The countries with the best weather in the world share a lot of things, like people with good mood, paradise worth calling spaces, but above all...cacao and coffee gets produced in their land. Specially due to coffee production these countries have come to be known as The Bean Belt countries. Among them, my homeland Mexico.

Weathering a Northern winter made me miss these byproducts of good weather, of tropical weather.

So I composed a love song to this magical land.

Using the English translation of the lyrics to a beautiful Brazilian song "Pais Tropical", the list of countries that comprise "The Bean Belt" and an explanation of the Tropical Biome.

By creating a program that re-arranged the words of these texts a lyric written in a new language came out.

Due to its origin, it kept the rhythm of the words, the joy of the cadence. It reminded me of the good weather and its colorful feeling.